JOIN US AT PICTURED ROCKS DAYS This year’s 3rd Annual Area Event will be Saturday and Sunday, June 13 & 14.
These two days “Yooper’s Ride Free” on Pictured Rocks Cruises. Pictured Rocks Cruises also invites Romeo and Clarkston, MI to join U.P. residents on “Yooper’s Ride Free Days”. To obtain your free ticket on June 13 and 14, you must present a valid photo ID with a U.P., Romeo or Clarkston zipcode. Attendance to the festival is free!
Amongst various local vendors, Gary & Joanna will be at the Hiawatha Log Homes tent, there’s also bands, food, outdoor and children’s activities, demonstrations and other outdoor shows. The festival will take place at Bayshore Park, overlooking the beautiful bay and the city dock in Munising, MI.
Mark this weekend on your calendar for a fun-filled weekend for all ages!